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Claudia Benkwitz

Vanderbilt University USA

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Sidney Chocron

Cardiac Surgeon University Hospital of Besancon France USA

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Guang Zeng

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi USA

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Robert E Cilley

Penn State University USA

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Bradley A Kuch

Childrenâ™s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC USA

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Lakshmi D Katikaneni

Medical University of South Carolina USA

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Stephen F. Vatner

Director Cardiovascular Research Institute USA

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Elizabeth Jeffery

University of Illinois USA

Primary Care 2025

About Conference

35th International Conference on Pediatrics & Primary Care  Conference is the world’s leading conference for health care professionals to gather and contribute their research for the health of the children. International Pediatric Summit offers over 20 sessions from different areas in the field of Pediatrics & Primary Care in the form of Keynote, Plenary and workshop sessions including oral and poster presentations.

Pediatrics Conferences which is going to be held during May 12-13, 2025London, UK will address fast growing technology rapidly changing the healthcare with significant opportunities for Pediatrics & Primary Care.

Pediatrics Summit will bring together pediatricians, general physicians, practitioners, researchers, clinicians in a universal forum, enabling the exchange of novel advancement in the field of Pediatrics & Primary Care in both science and practice. Pediatrics Conference 2025 is the best place to enhance networking and would provide opportunity to interact with world’s leading scientists and researchers

Primary Care 2025 is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young ResearchersScientistsYoung InvestigatorsPost-Graduate StudentsPost-Doctoral FellowsTrainees, Junior Faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Pediatrics and Neonatology.

Young Research’s Awards at Primary Care 2025 for the Nomination:

Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation and only 25 presentations acceptable at the Primary Care 2025.

YRF Registration Benefits:

  • Young Scientist Award recognition certificate and memento to the winners
  • Primary Care 2025 provides best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Learn about career improvement with all the latest technologies by networking.
  • Provide an opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the fields of Pediatrics and Neonatology.
  • It’s a great privilege for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge.  

Why to attend?

Attending Pediatric World Conference plays a vital role in the current education of nurses, physicians, technicians and all other health care professional providers. Pediatric Conferences helps physicians to develop their skills and provide them an opportunity to renowned personalities in the field of Pediatrics & Primary Care. The panel discussions held in Pediatrics Conferences servers as a unique platform for sharing information and learning of new skills and hence improve the quality of their treatment and provide better aids to children. Networking session at Pediatrics Conference servers as an excellent opportunity to associate and share information on practice methods.

Target Audience

  • Pediatricians
  • Pediatric Nutritionists
  • General Physicians
  • Neonatologist
  • Pediatric Clinicians
  • Pediatric Associates
  • Pharmacists
  • Pediatric Nurses
  • Academicians
  • Pediatric Residents


Track 01: Pediatrics

Pediatrics is one of the fields of medicine which is concerned with the medical, health care and development of babies and children and their opportunity to get complete potential to grow into adults. Pediatrics follows the age range from infants to adolescents. Pediatrics is the newly emerged medical specialty. The main aim of the Pediatrics is to reduce the child and infant death rates, to control the spreading of infectious diseases and to promote healthy life styles. Pediatrics is not only concerned about the immediate cure but also the long-term effects on quality life, abilities and survival.

Relevant Societies:  

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK

Track 02: Pediatric Primary Care

Pediatric primary care services includes wellbeing supervision and expectant direction; checking physical and psychosocial development and advancement; age-suitable screening; finding and treatment of intense and incessant issue; administration of genuine and hazardous disease and, when fitting, referral of more unpredictable conditions; and arrangement of first contact mind and additionally organized administration of medical issues requiring numerous expert administrations.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 03: Neonatology

Neonatology is a sub topic of pediatrics that comprises of the medical care of new-born child, especially the ill or premature baby. It is a hospital-based specialty and is usually practiced in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Pediatric Conference focuses on Neonatology and invites neonatologists to present their research.

USA: American Academy of PediatricsAcademy of Neonatal NursingAssociation of Pediatric Oncology NursesAssociation of Child Neurology NursesNational Association of Neonatal NursesNational Association of Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNational Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and NursesSociety of Pediatric NursesAmerican Pediatric Surgical Nurses AssociationNortheast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgical AssociationAmerican Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusAmerican Society of Pediatric OtolaryngologySociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaInternational Association of Pediatric NursesCanadian Pediatric SocietyPediatric Dental AssociationGeorgia Pediatric Practice Managers AssociationAcademic Pediatric AssociationChildren's Hospital AssociationNorth Carolina Pediatric SocietyNorth Dallas Pediatric AssociationBurlington Pediatric AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgery AssociationAmerican Pediatric Society

Track 04: Clinical Pediatrics

Conferences concentrate on basic research on clinical practice of pediatrics & child health. Clinical Pediatrics session focus on clinical reports on diagnosis and other treatment aspects & also on challenges like ADHD, Alternative Medicine, Antibiotics, Bicycle Injuries, New Combination Vaccines, Childhood Obesity, Head Lice, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine, Managing Hypertension, New Diabetes Treatment, Pediatric Emergencies, Practice Management, Resident Education.

USA: American Academy of PediatricsAcademy of Neonatal NursingAssociation of Pediatric Oncology NursesAssociation of Child Neurology NursesNational Association of Neonatal NursesNational Association of Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNational Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and NursesSociety of Pediatric NursesAmerican Pediatric Surgical Nurses AssociationNortheast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgical AssociationAmerican Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusAmerican Society of Pediatric OtolaryngologySociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaInternational Association of Pediatric NursesCanadian Pediatric SocietyPediatric Dental AssociationGeorgia Pediatric Practice Managers AssociationAcademic Pediatric AssociationChildren's Hospital AssociationNorth Carolina Pediatric SocietyNorth Dallas Pediatric AssociationBurlington Pediatric AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgery AssociationAmerican Pediatric Society

Track 05: Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Cardiology is the study of diagnosis and treats the children with cardiac/heart conditions. Pediatric Cardiologists are Pediatricians who are specialized in cardiology treat the children & infants. Pediatric Cardiology Conferences invites novel research areas i.e. heart diseases in infants. Children and adolescent also including embryology and anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, biochemistry, pathology, genetics, radiology, clinical aspects, investigative cardiology, electrophysiology and echocardiography, and cardiac surgery. Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2020 is a call for academics, clinicians, healthcare managers and policy makers.

Relevant Societies:  

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK.

Track 06: Pediatric Emergency Care

Involves close and constant attention with special care by a team of specially trained PediatriciansPediatric Emergency Care usually takes place in Intensive Care Unit. Some conditions which may cause during critical condition are severe asthma, severe infection such as pneumonia and serious injuries from accidents. Critically ill children need careful monitoring with special medicine or treatment which can be offered only in PICU- Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit. Having advance directives in place is important to save a life during critical conditions.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 07: Breast feeding

Feeding the new born with human milk is Breast Feeding. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics Conferences human breast feeding is recommended to infants. Breast milk contains amino acids, sugars & fats. Break milk provides the babies with sufficient number of vitamins, enzymes & minerals. Pediatrics Conferences invites all the researchers to present the novel discoveries in the topic related to Breast Feeding.

Relevant Societies:  

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK.

Track 08: Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric Nursing Conferences is the medical care for new-born child to adolescent basically in a hospital or clinic. This is invites all the practitioners and experts from all over the world for evidence based clinical information, research and pediatric healthcare.

USA: American Academy of PediatricsAcademy of Neonatal NursingAssociation of Pediatric Oncology NursesAssociation of Child Neurology NursesNational Association of Neonatal NursesNational Association of Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNational Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and NursesSociety of Pediatric NursesAmerican Pediatric Surgical Nurses AssociationNortheast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgical AssociationAmerican Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusAmerican Society of Pediatric OtolaryngologySociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaInternational Association of Pediatric NursesCanadian Pediatric SocietyPediatric Dental AssociationGeorgia Pediatric Practice Managers AssociationAcademic Pediatric AssociationChildren's Hospital AssociationNorth Carolina Pediatric SocietyNorth Dallas Pediatric AssociationBurlington Pediatric AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgery AssociationAmerican Pediatric Society

Track 09: General Pediatrics

General Pediatrics is a study of pediatrics deals with new born babies, children, infants and adolescents. A general paediatrician treats various categories of childhood diseases starting from a case of acne to a child’s on-going battle with muscular dystrophy. Pediatrics Conferences is dedicated to providing outstanding clinical care, advancing the knowledge to improve the children health.

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK

Track 10: Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry mission is to optimize oral health in children & adolescent. Our Pediatric Dentistry Conferences is dedicated to discussing about how to consider and treat the children in a way that can make them comfortable.

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK

Track 11: Pediatric Ophthalmology

Pediatric Ophthalmology is one of specialization in pediatrics which deals with managing children’s eye infections. The human visual system makes as the psyche builds up a strategy that takes around ten years. Regardless of the way that a baby's eyes are optically prepared for seeing, infant kid vision is confined to around 20/1500 (the ability to see the conditions of people yet not their components), somewhat in light of the way that the cerebrum has not made sense of how to deal with the visual messages it gets. As visual progression proceeds with, that same youth will at last have the ability to perceive the best inconspicuous components in a photo. Pediatric Ophthalmology Conferences will raise the most aggressive key issues in the field of Pediatric Ophthalmology.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 12: Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric Dermatology Conferences address with child skin disorders. Pediatric Dermatologist treats children/adolescent, which may require some procedures like laser therapy and cutaneous surgery. The American Board of Dermatology has established certification for subcategories of Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology.

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK

Track 13: Pediatric Gastroenterology

Pediatric medicine is that the part of medication that manages the sicknesses and ailments of the GI tract. These conditions might hold on during childbirth or surface in the later stage as the youngster creates. Normal precedents incorporate nourishment hypersensitivities, colitis, anorexia and bulimia, celiac sickness, Cohn's ailment, loose bowels, gluten affectability, ceaseless stoppage, crabby gut disorder, inability to flourish, and other related stomach related and disposal issues Short bowel syndrome.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 14: Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Pediatric Infectious Diseases in children are disarranges caused by life forms — for example, microbes, infections, organisms or parasites. Numerous living beings live in and on our bodies. They're regularly safe or even pediatric infectious diseases: supportive, yet under specific conditions, a few life forms may cause infection. Some irresistible illnesses can be passed from individual to individual. Some are transmitted by chomps from bugs or creatures. What's more, others are procured by ingesting sullied sustenance or water or being presented to creatures in the earth. Signs and side effects fluctuate contingent upon the living being causing the contamination, however frequently incorporate fever and exhaustion. Mellow contaminations may react to rest and home cures, while some dangerous diseases may require hospitalization.

USA: American Academy of PediatricsAcademy of Neonatal NursingAssociation of Pediatric Oncology NursesAssociation of Child Neurology NursesNational Association of Neonatal NursesNational Association of Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNational Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and NursesSociety of Pediatric NursesAmerican Pediatric Surgical Nurses AssociationNortheast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgical AssociationAmerican Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusAmerican Society of Pediatric OtolaryngologySociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaInternational Association of Pediatric NursesCanadian Pediatric SocietyPediatric Dental AssociationGeorgia Pediatric Practice Managers AssociationAcademic Pediatric AssociationChildren's Hospital AssociationNorth Carolina Pediatric SocietyNorth Dallas Pediatric AssociationBurlington Pediatric AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgery AssociationAmerican Pediatric Society

Track 15: Pediatric Oncology

The Pediatric Oncology Branch is given to upgrading results created to expand the results for the kids with tumour tendency disorders. Pediatric oncology Conferences is the part of solution worried about the finding and treatment of malady in youths. Around the globe, it is assessed that tyke tumour has an event of more than 175,000 for consistently, and a passing rate of pretty about 96,000 for every year. In made countries, youth threat has a mortality of pretty much 20% of cases.

EUROPE: Society for Pediatric ResearchEuropean Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive CareEuropean Academy of PediatricsEuropean Society for Pediatric DermatologyAssociations for European Pediatrics and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), Padua, Italy, Czech Pediatric Society (CPS), European Academy of Pediatric Societies(EAPS), Geneva, Switzerland, European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE), European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP), UK, European Pediatric AssociationEuropean Pediatric Association (EPA/UNESPA), Berlin, Germany, European Pediatric Neurology Society(EPNS), Bolton, UK, European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association (EUPSA), London, UK, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), Prague, Czech Republic, European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Scotland, UK, European Society of Pediatric Neonatal and Intensive Care (ESPNIC), Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery(ESPN), Athens, Geneva, Switzerland, European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR), UK, European Society of Pediatrics Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI), European Society of Pediatrics Endocrinology (ESPE), Bristol, UK

Track 16: Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Neurology is a specialized branch in medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases in new-borns (Neonates), infants, children and adolescents. The topic Pediatric neurology includes all diseases and disorders related to spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, peripheral system, brain, muscles and blood vessels which affect individuals of small age groups. Types of conditions to encounter in pediatric neurology are genetic diseases related to nervous system, childhood epilepsy, febrile seizures, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, hyper activity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, migraine, head injuries, sleep disorders, intellectual disability etc. following studies are required to diagnose the neurological conditions: electro cortical mapping, EEG, EMG, multiple sleep latency testing, nerve conduction study etc.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 17: Pediatrics Surgery

Pediatrics Surgery undergoes diagnosis, treatment, and managing the children’s surgical needs. The surgery specialists deal with the child are Pediatric Surgeons, provides postoperative child surgical care to them from parental diagnosis through adolescents with congenital, acquired anomalies, tumors, trauma, and urologic problems as well. The pediatric surgery subsumes the developments in fetal surgery, adolescent bariatric surgery, minimally invasive surgery in kids, and tissue engineering takes childhood surgery a breakthrough. undergoes diagnosis, treatment, and managing the children’s surgical needs. The surgery specialists deal with the child are Pediatric Surgeons, provides postoperative child surgical care to them from parental diagnosis through adolescents with congenital, acquired anomalies, tumours, trauma, and urologic problems as well. The pediatric surgery subsumes the developments in fetal surgery, adolescent bariatric surgery, minimally invasive surgery in kids, and tissue engineering takes childhood surgery a breakthrough.

USA: American Academy of PediatricsAcademy of Neonatal NursingAssociation of Pediatric Oncology NursesAssociation of Child Neurology NursesNational Association of Neonatal NursesNational Association of Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNational Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and NursesSociety of Pediatric NursesAmerican Pediatric Surgical Nurses AssociationNortheast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgical AssociationAmerican Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusAmerican Society of Pediatric OtolaryngologySociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaInternational Association of Pediatric NursesCanadian Pediatric SocietyPediatric Dental AssociationGeorgia Pediatric Practice Managers AssociationAcademic Pediatric AssociationChildren's Hospital AssociationNorth Carolina Pediatric SocietyNorth Dallas Pediatric AssociationBurlington Pediatric AssociationAmerican Pediatric Surgery AssociationAmerican Pediatric Society

Track 18: Pediatric Nutrition

Pediatric Nutrition is the maintenance appropriate well balance diet comprising of proper nutrients and sufficient amount of calories intake to promote growth and sustain the physiological requirements at different stages of child’s development. Pediatric Nutrition Conferences invites registered dieticians, dietetic technicians who have the vital role of good nutrition in the growth and development of infants, children and adolescents.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Track 19: Pediatric Nephrology and Urology

It is common for children to have disorders of urinary tract such as kidney, ureters, urethra and bladder. These problems can be small or serious. In case of serious condition, then one should need a specialist in nephrology and urology. Few conditions of nephrology and urology to be diagnosed are abnormalities in urine, bedwetting, acid base disorders, hypertension, acute and chronic kidney failure, high blood pressure, cancer of urinary and genital systems, bladder exstrophy, renal insufficiency, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, torsion of the testicles, inherited kidney diseases and neurogenic bowel. It can also provide pediatric patients with end stage kidney diseases and follow up care after kidney transplantation.

ASIA PACIFIC: Asia Pacific Pediatric AssociationMalaysiaAsian Society for Pediatric ResearchJapanthe Malaysian Pediatric AssociationJapanAssociation of Pediatric Surgeons BangladeshIndonesian Society of Pediatric SurgeonsIndonesiaJapanese Society of Pediatric SurgeonsJapanKorean Association of PediatricKoreaTaiwanese Association of PediatricTaiwanVietnam Association of PediatricVietnam

Market Analysis

The purpose of organizing Upcoming Pediatrics Conferences for 2025 is to provide opportunity to meet leading and Top Pediatricians and Neonatologists from America, Europe, Asia and Middle East in 2024 under a single roof to discuss the latest advancements and research for the better improvement of pediatric health. Apart from plenary & keynote session we are introducing workshop/ special session on the related topics in the field of Pediatrics & Primary Care.

Scope and Importance

Our upcoming pediatrics conferences are continued to bring up all the leading and Top Pediatricians and Neonatologists from America, Europe, Asia and Middle East in 2022 to present the latest research challenges and treatment for better health of Children.

It conjointly gives the head information area gathering for analysts, specialists, business representatives and understudy network to display and talk about the latest propelled developments, inclines and with respect to intuitive systems, down to earth Challenges experienced, and the arrangements received in the field of Pediatrics.

All over the world, parents are becoming more conscious about the health of their children. As a result, globally the pediatrics market is growing at a significant pace with companies scrambling to get a significant share of the market.

The global market for pediatrics is accounted to approximately $124.13 billion in 2018 and expected to grow at 3.7% CAGR from the current value of 128.72 billion in 2019 to 148.85 billion in 2023

Past Conference Report

Primary Care 2024

We are thankful to all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students and Associations for making Primary Care 2024 Conference the best ever!

34th International Conference on Pediatrics & Primary Care was held on August 22-23, 2024; Webinar based on the theme “To improve the Child Healthcare systems." Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Pediatrics, who made this event an outstanding success.

The meeting reflected various sessions, in which discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

  • Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Primary Care
  • Neonatology
  • Clinical Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatric Emergency Care
  • Breast Feeding
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • General Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Pediatric Nutrition

Conference Series LLC Ltd offers its heart felt appreciation to keynote speakers, dexterous of field, various outside experts, company representatives and is obliged to other eminent personalities who interweaved with the organisation and supported the conference in every aspect, without which the conference would not have been possible.

Your rejoinder is our inspiration; keeping this motto in mind and being witnessed the triumph of Primary Care 2024, Conference Series LLC Ltd would like to announce the commencement of the “35thInternational Conference on Pediatrics & Primary Care” to be held in May 12-13, 2025 at London, UK. We welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegate participants to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Infectious Diseases.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Conference; we are hoping to see you soon!

Let us meet again @ Primary Care 2024

For More details visit:

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 12-13, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

[email protected]

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Quality in Primary Care Journal of Pediatrics & Therapeutics Journal of Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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