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Jamal Ahmed Omer

Jamal Ahmed Omer

King Fahad Medical City, Saudi Arabia

Title: Children with medical complexity: A resourceful comprehensive program to a nationwide model of care


Biography: Jamal Ahmed Omer


Children with medical complexity (CMC) have medical fragility and extensive care needs that are not easily met by current existing health care models. CMC may have congenital or acquired multi-system diseases, severe neurologic conditions with marked functional impairments and technology dependence for activities of daily living. Although these children are at risk of poor health and impose a huge socioeconomic burden on both families and health system, there are few well-designed clinical initiatives, services and research eff orts devoted to tackle their challenging care, alleviate families and health system burdens or improving overall experiences of either patient’s quality of life or health care providers. Th e burden of multiple chronic diseases is placing pressure on any health care system. As a small but signifi cant population with extensive requirements, these patients present a challenge to healthcare providers who are expected to provide holistic care and manage complex issues oft en with a paucity of experiences, services and supports. Patients with medical complexity and their families need additional sight and help. However, the health care system, community and social services do not always recognize their calls for help or support. Our recommendations are made for health care systems and provider to initiate a valuable service to such group of population to ensure high experienced life. Our comprehensive care program with its research initiative for this valued population aims to identify and recognize the current status of complex pediatric care in Saudi Arabia including the prevalence of children with medical complexity and burden on our health system as well as their families and to accomplish a well-structured model of care with proper services that will enable better understanding of this population and resourceful planning of their extensive and complex care within our health system.

Recent Publications:
1. Fahad A AlFares, et al., (2013) Mycobacterium Bovis pyomyositis of unusual site in 5 months old child: A case report. Curr Pediatr Res 17(2):125-127.
2. Omer J A. Unusual Presentation of Coarctation of the Aorta in a 5-month-old Infant. Pediatr Oncall J. 2017;14: 88-89. doi: 10.7199/ped.oncall.2017.36
3. Omer J A, et al., (2018) Residents awareness about International Patient safety goals, cross sectional study. Arch Pediatr JPED-139.