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Jamal Ahmed Omer

Jamal Ahmed Omer

King Fahad Medical City, Saudi Arabia


Jamal Ahmed Omer is a General Pediatrician, Children Specialized Hospital, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; he is with a passion and skills in planning comprehensive and comprehensive cares. His open and contextual model of care with help of a highly qualified health care team with extensive expertise in area of pediatric complex care is constantly evaluating, planning and structuring the current status of Children with medical complexity (CMC) from multiple national primary and tertiary institutions in Saudi Arabia which is a part of a governmental planning to propose and recommend a model of care to Saudi government as part of the overall national transformation that proposed by our Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (vision 2030). His efforts are directed toward building model of care that ensure valuable and high qualifi ed services that is cost-eff ective and responsive to all health stakeholders including patients, their families and administration teams as well as frontline health care providers. 


Abstract : Children with medical complexity: A resourceful comprehensive program to a nationwide model of care